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We thank you for your continued financial support of
St. William Parish. Without your generosity, our parish would not be able to continue to be a vital light of Faith, Hope, Love & Charity in our local, LawnCrest Community.
The easiest way to support the mission of St. William is by using Electronic Giving, which is linked below.
Sign up today for St. William's You Tube channel.
Click on and cclick "subscribe"
-Open your browser and go to
-In the YouTube search bar, type @stwilliamphila and click "subscribe" when the channel comes up.
We hope to livestream our Sunday Masses here and much more.
Office: (215) 745-1389
Fax: (215) 745-8432
Rectory Office Hours
8:30am - 3:30pm
(closed 11:45am-12:30pm)
To sign up for electronic updates, join our Parish FLOCKNOTE by texting
"Stwills" to 84576
Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Saturdays, 11:30am - 4:55pm in the Lower Church concluding with Benediction preceding the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass.
Our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at 6215 Argyle St. has reopened.
To gain an access code, please contact Jeanette Garay.
267-209-0101 (5pm-9pm Mon thru Fri or 9am-5pm Sat and Sun)
[email protected]
Confessions are offered on Saturdays, from 4:00-4:45 pm in the Lower Church
Other times by appointment.
REGISTRATION FOR 2025-2026 School Year will open 3/1/2025
We welcome all students to our religious education classes who are currently not attending Catholic schools and must prepare to receive the Sacraments.
NEW STUDENTS ONLY - 2025-2026 school year Complete a registration form by clicking on the link below. The Religious Education Office will review your application and send you an automated email from Parish Giving with login credentials for an account that was created for you. You then sign into your account to make a payment and select sessions for your child/children.
Click here to register:
$65/one student; $100/two students; $125/three students; $150/four-five students
Grades 1-4 ~ Tuesdays (6:15pm-7:30pm) Arrive at 6:00pm and report to the Convent
Grades 5-8 ~ Tuesdays (6:15pm-7:45pm) Arrive at 6:00pm and report to the Convent
OCIA adults ages 14 and up - contact Johanna at 267-209-0575 for more information
RETURNING STUDENTS - 2025-2026 school year Please do not fill out a registration form. You will receive an email from Parish Giving and indicate whether you AGREE or NOT AGREE to continue in the PREP program. If you did not receive this email, please contact Johanna at 267-209-0575.
For more information or questions about PREP, please contact Johanna at 267-209-0575 or email
[email protected]
We, the parish of St. William, enriched by diversity of culture and language, celebrate the Eucharist, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and serve the community entrusted to our care.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to reach out to the unchurched and to the needy.
We pledge to become a joyful, prayerful, welcoming community of faith, hope, and love to people of all ages.
Who should enroll in OCIA?
· Persons baptized in the Catholic Church, but have not received First Communion or Confirmation.
· Persons not baptized but interested in the Catholic faith.
· Persons baptized in a different religion who would like to become Catholic.
· Persons baptized Catholic who would like to know more about their faith.
Classes are held:
English ~ Tuesday in Convent (8pm-9pm)
Spanish ~ Sunday in Rectory Basement (9am-10am)
To register for class, please contact the rectory at 215-745-1389.
St. Helena's Cupboard
Next Collection Date
December 15, 2024
All are welcome to bring non-perishable food items, such as, canned goods, pasta, peanut butter, small bags of rice, cereal, jelly to the vestibule of St. William's Church. We are not able to accept frozen food or perishable food. Your contributions will be delivered to St. Helena's Cupboard to stock their shelves for those in need to shop.
Opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions and rates are especially high in the state of Pennsylvania. Addiction, no matter what form it takes, is causing much suffering in the lives of many of our Archdiocesan families and they are looking to the Church for hope and help. There is a new webpage 'Hope in Christ: Spiritual Support for Addiction' that can be found on the link below. Here you will find spiritual support, events, and resources for families struggling with addiction.